Sexual assault is a serious crime and one that can cost you your reputation for life. Your lawyer may ask you a series of personal and, in most cases, uncomfortable questions. You should, however, be very clear and provide the necessary details truthfully so as to enable your criminal lawyer to prepare your defense. Here are five questions your sexual assault lawyer might ask you.
Have You had Sexual Intercourse With the Victim?
This seems like a straightforward question, with a yes or no as the possible answer. But in most cases, it is important to provide more information on the history of your sexual relationship with the alleged victim, if any, and even more, details depending on the specifics of the charges being leveled against you.
Did You Know the Victim Was Underage?
This is asked in cases involving a minor. A criminal lawyer for sex offenders needs to know this because if there was any reason that led you to believe that the alleged victim was of legal consenting age, it may help to prove your innocence.
Did You Use a Condom or Any Other Form of Protection?
The main reason for asking this question is to help the criminal defense lawyer on your team to know if you left any bodily fluids within the alleged victim which may be found. The attorney may go further to ask if you are sure that you left no bodily fluids because this will help them develop their defense. If the defense found them and your lawyer did not know about it, this may seriously affect your chances of a favorable outcome.
Did You Perform Role Play or Have Rough Sex?
This question is asked because there is a thin line between assault or abuse and rough roleplaying. While rough play may have been consented to in the beginning, the alleged victim may have changed their mind during the sexual activities and it is important for your attorney to know the details so they can advise you accordingly.
How Many Sexual Partners Have You Had Recently?
There are rules protecting the sexual histories of both the alleged victim and the alleged perpetrator, but this does not eliminate the importance of your attorney knowing about it. It may be brought up during the proceedings and lead to costly confusion on your side and you want to avoid this.
At this point, it is clear to see that any criminal defense lawyer for sex offenders needs to know everything in order to prepare a good defense. It does not matter how embarrassing you may feel some details are, you need to share them because they may just be the price of your freedom.