Sexual assault is a real problem in the United States -- a fact about which many men and women have first-hand knowledge. In Ohio alone, sexual assaults were reported at a rate of 86.9 per 100,000 population in 2015. Since then, awareness has increased, making it more likely that brave individuals will feel empowered to come forward to tell their stories. However, an unfortunate side effect of this movement is the growing likelihood of false accusation.While false accusations are not always fabricated out of pure malice, the consequences of these actions can produce lasting and adverse effects on those who are unwittingly swept up in these allegations. Even if you are innocent, being accused of date rape can permanently damage your reputation and even derail your plans for the future -- regardless of whether you're actually convicted for these crimes.
Why would someone falsely accuse me of date rape?Sadly, false date rape allegations can damage the lives of not only those directly involved in the case but also the cases of legitimate victims of sexual assault. There are also several reasons why an individual might go this route. Someone might falsely accuse an individual of date rape to seek revenge for a perceived wrong. Others might falsely accuse someone else to protect themselves from getting into trouble with a parent or a partner. Some cases involve excessive drinking or drug use, wherein the individual might falsely accuse another person after feeling remorseful or confused about the night's events. Some instances might involve inexperience and miscommunication between romantic partners. With so many possible reasons for these accusations, it's important to protect yourself by avoiding risky situations, obtaining clear consent, and contacting a sex crimes defense attorney if you find yourself in legal trouble.
If I've been falsely accused of date rape, what should I do next?Thanks to social media and how we share information in the digital age, sexual assault allegations can do even more harm now than in the past. That's why it's vital to know your rights and to protect yourself. While you may want to proclaim your innocence to everyone you know, resist that urge; instead, invoke your right to remain silent. Otherwise, your words could be used against you and your family members or friends could actually be forced to testify against you in court. Because even false allegations must be taken seriously, you should immediately contact a sex crimes defense attorney. They can then mount a defense against sex crime charges that pertain to your situation, advocate for your rights, negotiate on your behalf, and stop potential self-incrimination.
But if I'm innocent, won't the courts clear me?That should be the way our legal system works. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way in reality. Sexual assault cases are notoriously complicated, even for the most experienced of law enforcement officers and law firms. And at a time when there's a strong movement to believe women, it's possible that your past behavior or pre-existing relationship with your accuser could work against you. No matter what, you cannot afford to have blind faith in the justice system. That's one reason why hiring an experienced sex crimes defense attorney is a must.While the legal system assumes each individual is innocent until proven guilty, you cannot afford to believe your innocence will keep you from being convicted of these crimes. And even without being convicted, being accused of a sex offense can be extremely damaging to one's future. If you have been falsely accused of date rape or any other type of sexual assault, it's essential that you contact a sex crimes defense attorney to ensure your rights are protected. For further information, please contact our sex crimes attorneys today.