Ohio treats all prostitution charges, including soliciting prostitution, very seriously. When a person is convicted of these kinds of charges, the consequences can be devastating. That is why it is essential to understand prostitution charges in Ohio and contact a skilled criminal defense attorney to help you move forward.
The knowledgeable and results-driven attorneys at Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC, have extensive experience handling complex cases involving prostitution charges. With an office in Columbus, Ohio, the law firm serves clients throughout the state, including Hilliard, Dublin, Gahanna, Westerville, and surrounding counties.
Understanding Ohio’s Prostitution Laws
In general, the term “prostitution” refers to engaging in sexual activity with another person for payment. Thus, you may face prostitution charges for engaging in any form of sexual activity in exchange for compensation. Ohio law recognizes several kinds of prostitution charges:
Prostitution. In Ohio, it is a crime to have sex or engage in any form of sexual activity in exchange for payment or a benefit of some sort, including gifts and favors. For the purposes of charging someone with prostitution, sexual activity includes sex, sexual touching, oral sex, anal sex, and even sexual contact with another person’s erogenous zones for the purpose of sexually gratifying oneself or another person.
Compelling prostitution. As its name implies, the crime “compelling prostitution” applies to situations in which someone causes or encourages another individual to engage in sexual activity in exchange for payment or a benefit. You can also face compelling prostitution charges for inducing or facilitating a minor to have sex or engage in sexual activity for compensation or paying/agreeing to pay a minor for sex.
Promoting prostitution. Many people confuse the terms “compelling” and “promoting” prostitution, but these are two separate crimes in Ohio. Under state law, you can face promoting prostitution charges for establishing or managing a brothel, supervising or controlling the operations of prostitutes, or even transporting or arranging transportation for prostitutes to facilitate sex for compensation.
Soliciting prostitution. In Ohio, it is a crime to solicit another person to have sex or engage in sexual activity for compensation. A person can also be charged with soliciting prostitution for merely attempting to pay someone else to have sex. Soliciting prostitution is a crime when it involves a minor or an adult.
All these four prostitution charges are serious crimes that carry severe penalties. If you are facing any of the above-mentioned charges, speak with a dedicated criminal defense attorney to discuss your defense options.
Penalties for Prostitution Charges
According to data published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), prostitution is the only crime for which more women are arrested than men. However, possible penalties for prostitution charges can be severe regardless of gender.
Prostitution charges can be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on many factors, including but not limited to the circumstances of the offense, the defendant’s criminal history, and whether or not the offense involves a minor.
Penalties for prostitution charges in Ohio generally include hefty fines, lengthy jail or prison sentences, and more. Convictions for child prostitution also require mandatory registration as a sex offender. In addition to criminal penalties, a person convicted of prostitution-related charges can suffer other negative consequences, both personally and professionally. Contact a committed team of criminal defense attorneys to assist you during this difficult time and help you seek to get the allegations reduced or dismissed.
Defense Strategies in Prostitution Cases
When working with an experienced criminal defense attorney, you are more likely to assert a strong defense tailored to your specific situation. Depending on the circumstances of your prostitution case, there may be several possible defense strategies to get prostitution charges dismissed or reduced:
Lack of agreement
Lack of probable cause
Lack of intent
False accusation
Insufficient evidence
Mistaken identity
Discuss your particular situation with an experienced defense attorney to determine whether or not any of the above-mentioned defenses—or others—can be used in your specific case.
Why You Need a Skilled Defense Attorney
If you or someone you care about is facing prostitution-related charges in Ohio, it is critical to take action as soon as possible. You need a reliable and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Columbus, Ohio, to defend your rights and help you avoid a conviction or reduce the charges. Schedule a confidential consultation with an attorney at Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC to review your options.& Mote