Student Sexual Assaults And Date Rape
If you are a student or parent of a student who has been accused of sexual assault on campus, do not make the mistake of waiting to speak to an attorney until you have no other options. Many students assume that if they just tell their side of the story, the matter will be resolved and they can go back to life as usual. Often, that is a critical mistake.
Allegations of sex crimes can be extremely damaging, affecting a student's entire future. In addition to criminal penalties, students accused of sexual assault may face disciplinary action on campus, including expulsion, loss of scholarships or removal from academic clubs and sports teams.
When your future is on the line, do not take chances. Contact an experienced campus sexual assault defense attorney, like one of the lawyers of Wolfe & Mote Law Group, LLC. From our offices in Columbus, near The Ohio State University campus, we help young people at all of the schools in the Columbus area and Greater Central Ohio.
If you are a parent of a student who has been accused of a crime, please contact us to learn more about how you can help your child move past the allegations.
Years Of Experienced Fighting For The Accused
Our attorneys have successfully represented many students who have been accused of sexual assault or date rape. By thoroughly investigating the facts and helping you navigate your school's disciplinary procedures, we can help you take important steps to protect your future and your good name.
Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late — Call Today For A Free Consultation
To schedule a free consultation about your options, please call. You may also send us an email and someone from our office will respond to you promptly.